MADE オーナーSam Gelinさんがホテルを手がけたきっかけは、「体験」に価値を置く創造的なトラベラーのための空間をつくりたいとの想い。
"Owner of MADE, Sam Gelin, was inspired by the desire to create a space for a creative traveler seeking an experience. "
How did you select items for MADE?
We've layered the spaces with a variety of textures. The intention was to create a space that feels warm, cozy, and well curated. From the tone on tone walls, to the sandstone on the bar, every object begs to be touched.
The cafe space leaves an impression. What was your idea behind this space?
To create a communal space and encourage social interaction, similar to a "kitchen table" at a friend's party—a place where you congregate and form new relationships. The cypress wood coffee shop table is one of my favorite pieces of furniture.
What appeals to you about KINTO products?
They have an understated elegance which is consistent with MADE as an experience. I enjoy having my coffee out of the coffee mugs because their comforting tactility is a welcome enhancement to my daily coffee ritual.
Do you have a personal coffee or tea ritual?
It's important not to complicate things; I take my coffee black.
一息つける時はダウンタウンにあるMulberry Iconicというお店に行くのが好き。クリエイティブな雑誌がたくさん取り揃えられています。何冊も買って帰って、インスピレーションをもらいます。
What are things you like to do to unwind and feel relaxed?
When I have down time, I like heading to a downtown shop called Mulberry Iconic which has a big inventory of creative magazines. I'll leave with a large stack and use those to draw inspiration.
After a start in the world of finance and private aviation, Sam founded a boutique experiential company devoted to producing meaningful food and beverage experiences, including the lauded annual NYC Craft Distillers Festival, DC Wine Fest, and San Francisco Coffee Fest, amongst others. With MADE, he offers a reinvented approach towards hospitality, including a completely new approach towards materials and the guestroom experience, culturally relevant collaborations, and engaging food and beverage spaces.